Wednesday, June 30, 2010

OK we are doing a little time travelling today. Here on the left we have my humble little garden on May 31st, 2010.

You can see my modest little pea crop in the middle there... sniff, sniff.. I was so proud then.

Our little cabbage is on the right side in the corner.. you can barely see it.. just a smattering of green in a sea of brown earth.

What a difference a month can make. Now you can barely see the ground for the plants.
The peas are long gone, just a few bags in our freezer being saved for a special occasion after a couple fresh meals we had in May.
Our star cabbage is a full blown teenager now. The whole garden just exploded once Summer came into full swing and the nights stayed warm.
What you can't really see in these pictures are my cucumber and zukes... Seriously.. we may be over run... (fingers crossed). I am hoping I can keep the pests at bay until we get a couple rounds of nice cukes.
And with that, let me introduce to you, our little star. See the dark (almost looks like green shadow) on the left side of the plant. Those are big, broad leaves... yum.
Now I am very, very excited. This is perhaps the best garden I have had in my 10 summer growing on this lot. Some think it may be extra work I've put into developing the soil over that same timeframe. I think it is largely the bag of 10-10-8 I scratched into the soil just a few weeks ago. Either way it is more in my belly!!!
Oh and dig this... a friend of mine obviously moved by my display of fine gardening shared a link with me. The Bonnie Cabbage Program,
is a cool little contest that encourages 3rd graders to garden.. by giving them a cabbage to grow over the summer.
Check it out for yourself:
Some of these kids grow monster cabbage (feed me Seymour). I think those are mostly Southern states. This is just a great thing... and anyone (or company) who wants to spread the love of cabbage is a friend of mine.

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